TCF for Quebec

"TCF for Quebec", is a French proficiency test that must meet the standards of the Ministry for Immigration, Diversity and Inclusion (MIDI) when building an immigration application for Quebec. Those who wish to apply for immigration through the Quebec department for immigration or a Quebec government office will be able to justify their level of French knowledge by including a "TCF for Quebec" certification in the application.

The "TCF for Quebec" is comprised of 1 to 4 examinations. 

It assesses proficiency in standard French language, in:





The format of the "TCF for Quebec" is:

-29 multiple choice questions for oral comprehension

-29 multiple choice questions for reading, with each question having only one correct response

-3 tasks for speaking, organised in increasing order of difficulty

-3 tasks for writing, organised in an increasing order of difficulty

In compliance with the points of reference provided by the Common European Framework of Reference for learning, teaching and language evaluation.

The results of the test lead to issuance of a certificate.

Public: anyone, regardless of their nationality and native language, who wishes to begin permanent immigration procedures with the Quebec Ministry of Immigration, Diversity and Inclusion.

The TCF for Quebec has been designed to meet the demands of Quebecoise authorities, which make taking the tests and standardised French examinations obligatory and systematic within the context of procedures for obtaining the Certificat de Sélection du Québec (CSQ) (Quebec Selection Certificate) leading to the issuance of a permanent visa. French and francophone people are also affected by this.

The Quebecoise authorities also recognize, as an exemption, the complete TCF tout public with the speaking expression as well as DELF and DALF diplomas (subject to obtaining a minimum score in the oral comprehension and oral expression examinations and a validity of less than 2 years).

From 1 August 2013, the Quebecoise authorities require a minimum B2 level to issue a maximum of 16 points for this linguistic evaluation.