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Video # Exercises # French dictations
Dictations 1-10
Test your French skills #Dictation #1 (3:18)
Test your French skills #Dictation #2 (2:57)
Test your French skills #Dictation #3 (2:52)
Test your French skills #Dictation #4 (2:42)
Test your French skills #Dictation #5 (2:57)
Test your French skills #Dictation #6 (2:47)
Test your French skills #Dictation #7 (2:59)
Test your French skills #Dictation #8 (2:58)
Test your French skills #Dictation #9 (3:01)
Test your French skills #Dictation #10 (2:56)
Dictations 11-20
Test your French skills #Dictation #11 (2:52)
Test your French skills #Dictation #12 (2:54)
Test your French skills #Dictation #13 (2:50)
Test your French skills #Dictation #14 (2:53)
Test your French skills #Dictation #15 (2:37)
Test your French skills #Dictation #16 (2:45)
Test your French skills #Dictation #17 (2:51)
Test your French skills #Dictation #18 (2:41)
Test your French skills #Dictation #19 (2:46)
Test your French skills #Dictation #20 (2:41)
Dictaions 21-30
Test your French skills #Dictation #21 (2:47)
Test your French skills #Dictation #22 (2:53)
Test your French skills #Dictation #23 (2:42)
Test your French skills #Dictation #24 (2:54)
Test your French skills #Dictation #25 (2:50)
Test your French skills #Dictation #26 (3:01)
Test your French skills #Dictation #27 (2:44)
Test your French skills #Dictation #28 (2:52)
Test your French skills #Dictation #29 (2:43)
Test your French skills #Dictation #30 (3:05)
Dictations 31-32
Test your French skills #Dictation #31 (2:48)
Test your French skills #Dictation #32 (2:45)
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Test your French skills #Dictation #1
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